Florida Marijuana Growing License: A Friend or Foe?
We’ve all heard reports about illegal drugs exported to different parts of the world and how they’ve been ruining the lives of many people – a lot of them, younger than 20 years old. And let’s face it. It is never a good picture. Worse even if the person who is under its influence is someone close to our heart.
If there is a notorious drug on top of many countries’s list, it will have to be marijuana. In a more technical sense, it’s the unwarranted growing of cannabis plant for any reason, which eventually turns into the cultivation of the drug. To countries which are considered as hot spots in the production of this item, heavy legal sanctions are created to curb its growing distribution.
Amidst this worldwide battle to minimize and eventually stop its usage, Florida seemed to have taken a groundbreaking decision when their courts ruled in favor of using marijuana as a sort of aid to common diseases affecting thousands of citizens in the state. Florida marijuana growing license is a proof that majority is in favor of this ruling.
One common disease affecting over 100,000 kids in the state is epilepsy, and it’s said that guided administering of the drug, with emphasis of low concentration of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol – responsible for the so-called ‘high’ feeling), can offer relief to the kids. And indeed, proof of this is attested by those parents and guardians who have used the process.
Other conditions which doctors consider can make use of a well guided provision include HIV/ AIDS, Hepatitis, Parkinson’s disease, Glaucoma, Cancer, Multiple sclerosis, and ALS.
Looking at these, it’s quite easy to agree why the state saw a lot of potential in this practice. It is helpful. And granted that skilled professionals and licensed distributors strictly follow the rules set by the Department of Health, cases of abuse can be prevented. The procedure after all, requires people to apply for a DOH issued identification cards, certifying that he or she is qualified to take it.
While this is allowed by the Department of Health, marijuana usage for medical concerns is not an approved medicine by the FDA. Meaning, one does not need to sign any prescription form before they use it. They just have to see a licensed doctor from Florida who does a full background check on the medical history of the patient, seeing if he or she is fit to use this method. There is no specific dosage on how much one should take. This will be decided by DOH depending on prescribed conditions.
Strict policies as regards to this may have been implemented, but this did not stop critics from voicing their concern on its efficiency. After all, several past measures implemented to stop marijuana from being abused failed and did not work.
Hot debates right now whether the ruling is beneficial or not at a wide-scale basis still remains. The public is divided on their opinion. Some are in favor, others are not. And then there are those who don’t care.
Based on the facts laid, and your own belief in the system’s efficiency in managing the matter, where does your favor lie?
Is this licensing a friend or a foe?
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